Ryan Carlson is a photographer, retoucher, and printmaker. Amy Rivera’s assistant and retoucher for the past decade, he has also worked with photographers Sarah Moran and Joyce Perry among others. Ryan is also an accomplished printer, both in the digital world, and in the way cooler mediums of Platinum Palladium and Silver Gelatin. He is completely ADD in the subject matter that he likes to photograph, and though he enjoys working digital color, and especially enjoys Kodak Portra, you may notice a bit of a preference towards presenting his own work in Black & White.

Ralph has a long list of accomplishments but still has to pay full price at local coffee shops. Being called “the most interesting photographer in California”, he loves sharing the knowledge, along with a few tricks honed over a 20+ year career.

A self-professed ‘time-traveler’, Ralph has been active in the industry since 1990 receiving most of his formal training during a twenty year career as an USAF photojournalist. A recent convert to mirrorless camera system – Fujifilm X Series – he encourages others to embrace new technologies to achieve their photographic goals. Just spend a few minutes with Ralph to gain insight into the passion that drives him to share the joy of crafting fabulous images.

Ralph is the co-host for Foto Podcast, a casual iTunes audio show highlighting photo education and industry influencers. Follow his antics on most social media platforms.